How Sweet it is to Have Experience...

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Today I was doing a bit of thinking on how valuable experience is... being 15 years old and just starting up my company, Raptia, had me questioning it. Why do you need experience? How much is it worth? How do you get it?

These questions are pretty basic, but experience isn't a tangible item. Experience is engraved in your soul, embossed in your reputation, and imprinted onto your clients. Today we'll quickly explore the possibilities to the questions above.


Let's test this out...
Leo Lion is the CEO of a 40 year old company, Roaring Trucks Inc. Joe Blow just started up his business, Air Pumped Rides, one month ago. Then there's Johnny Apple, President of Concrete R' Us, who is looking for someone to contract work to...

Mr. Lion and Mr. Blow both give Johnny Apple, President of Concrete R Us, a proposal to do the work for $600,000. Who is going to get the job?

How Valuable is Experience?
The value of experience there is the value of gaining a new client. The $600,000 plus the value of adding them to your network, plus their network, plus any future work you may do for them.

Why Do You Need Experience?
Simple... to gain clients. There are other ways of gaining clients, but most successful ways involve experience. Or the appearance of experience, getting your name out there.... if I've learned one thing, it's been that networking is crucial. My business mentor has pounded that into my head, it's CRUCIAL! From my statistics, I end up with a successful deal most often through referrals than anything else, so my network has proven useful so far.

How Do You Get Experience?
You need to get out there and do something! Something being related to the kind of experience you'd like to build up of course.. but something!! People don't earn millions by sitting around twiddling their thumbs all day, not that I know of at least...


Even if you go do a triathlon, set up a booth in a tradeshow, sponsor a charity event... you need to do these two things:

1. Get your name out there - when people constantly see or hear your name, they will react.
2. Get References - do some jobs and get references, these are crucial to gaining clients. ESPECIALLY in the business I'm in - a portfolio of works is a MUST!


Experience can make or break you (CAN...not will, c-a-n), but you have to earn it! Put that blood, sweat 'n tears into your work and it will show.

How did you gain experience in your field of work? Upcoming posts will focus on post-secondary education & why it's necessary in today's society...


PS. Raptia now has it's Online Store up 'n running! Check it out!